Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Star Trek: The New, New Generation

Blockbuster season may have began with "Wolverine" last weekend, but it got off to a roaring start this weekend with the reimagining of Star Trek. I saw this film on opening day, and immediately knew this was a winner, but I had know idea if word of mouth would carry this movie to the success it probably deserved.

Then I came to work on Monday. While waiting for an elevator at about midday, I happened to overhear 4 ladies from one of the law firms in our building having a lively discussion of the film. Now, these women looked like any other women you'd run into in an office building. I didn't notice any of them wearing fake pointy ears or a Klingon headpiece, so I assume that they were dragged to this film by a significant other. Not a one of them said a bad word while I waited and consequently rode the elevator down with them. That's when I realized that this movie may have some serious crossover and even better staying power through this week and into the coming weekend. At least until "Terminator: Salvation" hits on the 21st.

Personally, I found Star Trek to be a fun and exciting Sci-Fi adventure flick. Did it have it's plot holes? Sure, plenty of them, but not enough to distract the viewing at the time. The movie is a mile-a-minute romp and only slows down to throw a little levity at you. I caught so many nods to the past iterations of the series that it blew my mind. I wonder how many I didn't catch as I now know for certain that there was a tribble in there that I didn't see!

As for the new cast members, I loved the fit for many of them. Oddly, the two new actors I didn't immediately warm too were the Kirk and Spock actors, Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto respectively. Chris Pine makes a fine, brash, young James T. Kirk with just enough desire to get himself into all kinds of trouble. The thing that creeped up on me about him was this little twang in his voice that reminded me of Christian Slater and kept taking me out of the movie. Side note: Slater is a trek fan and was given a cameo in Star Trek VI. Quinto on the other hand looks so much the part that it's nearly impossible to separate him from the role. For me the only problem was the fact that it wasn't Leonard Nimoy. I think that was compounded by the fact that Nimoy makes an appearance in this film.

The two that stood out the most for me were Dr. McCoy and Scottie. With very little screen time dedicated to those characters, Karl Urban and Simon Pegg made a big impression. Hilarious, and absolutely spot on. I can only hope that future sequels will highlight those two a bit more.

The Star Trek reboot gets 4 Green Chicks in Lingerie out of a possible 5 Green Chicks in Lingerie. For pure fun and adrenaline, this movie should be seen if you like science-fiction at all. Of course, there are some big plot holes, but if you're going to this movie and letting that trouble you, then why bother seeing it at all? But if there is one thing that you shake your head at and it just seems like pandering to "Star Wars" fans, well, I'll let that go. I'm looking at you, giant ice planet creatures.

I'm just saying,


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