Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome Back...

Your favorite movie review blogger returns! After being bombarded by summer blockbusters and sub par fall fare, we've finally seen a couple of movies that demanded a return to the keyboard. God knows you don't need our input when it comes to summer movies; you're going to see what you are going to see and nothing I can do will stop it. But, if there is a film come Oscar season that you might not see if I don't persuade, prod, or poke you...then damn it, you need me. So we are back.

Enjoy our first review below: Valkyrie. Then, if you are new to the site and haven't read any of our stuff, then keep going! If you're a return reader, feel free to go back and compare your feelings with ours. I'd love to have comments on anything.

We expect to have our next review up tomorrow, so look back for "The Mysterious Case of Benjamin Button" as soon as you can!

This is Jake and Elijah and we're just saying!

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